Dr Prem Community Writer

Voicemail Greetings

6 Common Voicemail Greetings and What They Really Say

When answering machines became widely available in the 1980s, people began personalizing their greetings in a variety of ways. Today’s cellphones allow for the same type of voicemail personalization, and you can choose from several different types of greetings. Here are the most common voicemail greetings and what they say about you. Today’s Top Articles:


Weird and ridiculous cellphone accessories that you can buy online

In recent years, smartphones have taken over the gadget market. Smartphone users took over desktop, laptop and tablet users long ago and the market shows signs of only growing with time. This has led to a completely new segment of devices online. These devices or accessories are targeted at smartphone owners to make their lives …

Weird and ridiculous cellphone accessories that you can buy online Read More »

Good Signal Booster

How to Choose a Good Signal Booster

Due to the unreliability of signal coming from satellites, signal boosters are getting more popular in homes and establishments that rely on internet connectivity. A signal booster works by getting an outside signal and then, amplifies and directs it to an area with weak signal or no signal at all.

Tips to Improve Photo Quality By Adjusting Camera Settings on Smartphones

Many smartphones nowadays come equipped with really good cameras; but, if you want to truly take advantage of them, you will have to learn about your camera and its settings. While it is true that some of the camera apps that are available help automate a lot of the settings and make it more user-friendly, …

Tips to Improve Photo Quality By Adjusting Camera Settings on Smartphones Read More »


Here’s how turning on your WI-FI improves the accuracy of your location

The Wi-Fi capability is one of the greatest features of a smartphone. Today with high speed cable internet there is no reason not to use the map features of a Smartphone to seek out places and traverse in new locations. But there are certain limitations of using a Wi-Fi, the most common being that it …

Here’s how turning on your WI-FI improves the accuracy of your location Read More »

supercapacitor technology

New supercapacitor technology makes charging your phone a matter of seconds

Charging your Smartphone can be an absolute chore. Despite the increase in battery size and battery life- most phones today easily run 9-12hours on one charge, with the amount of usage a phone has nowadays it never seems enough. Portable battery packs and chargers are becoming common but they require time and patience- traits all …

New supercapacitor technology makes charging your phone a matter of seconds Read More »

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