Reasons to own cheap cellphones


I got my first cellphone in 1998; at that time it was more of a status symbol. With the passage of time and the steady use of its application, the cellphone has continued to evolve. This has not only opened avenues for different companies to try their share in this growing market, but also for the service providers. Those were the times when you wanted to have a handset that will just provide a medium of communication.

The catalysts around ensured the changes in the next few year and as we all know the cellphone has now become a necessity. Today it is a common man’s tool to do business and connect with people and it has numerous business applications. Thus, from those good old days when you wished to own a cellphone, we are in a time where we are obliged to carry more than one cellphone all the time. The question ,however, is that how much you are prepared to spend to get one?

You can choose a cellphone today from the range of INR 1000 and above depending on your budget. Before you decide to buy the cell phone you must examine the cost and its basic features vis a vis the reason of why you need the cellphone. When cellphone was invented the idea was to have a device which not only embarks on mobile technology but also helps you to communicate. The initial idea where we used it to connect was diluted or enhanced in more than one way, there by questioning the very usage of mobile which was meant to allow people to communicate, i.e., by SMS or call. The latest models of mobile phones have various applications like games, gadgets, music capability, camera features. But can we use these features while we try to use the very basic feature of this device (call and SMS). I bet the answer will be no. So I have often wondered why should we buy an expensive cellphone just because it has a good camera option.

But can we use the applications while you call or can you listen to music and speak or can you play and take pictures at the same time. The answer to all the questions is ‘No’. So why to buy an expensive model. All I need to do is text or call that’s what it was meant for and that tiny device have been assaulted and abused with the never ending technological innovations.

Reasons why you should buy a cheap cellphone:

  1. For the reason that it’s cheap.
  2. You can instead spend the rest of money for getting an actual PSP, Ipod, or Digital camera.
  3. Cheap phones are durable and can function in any environment.
  4. We all spend around 9 hours working + 7 hours sleeping, and for the reminder of time left how often we use it until and unless we need to call or text someone.

For people who are already frowning over this article, I shall delight them with reasons why you don’t have to buy a cheap one. And they are:

  1. Because your friend or colleague owns an expensive phone and you don’t want to be less moderate.
  2. You want to use it for taking pictures, you want to listen to songs (which you have to stop if you get a call)
  3. You want lots of applications in your cellphone and just use one at a time.
  4. You just are a tech freak and want to try your hands.
  5. You got a promotion or you hit a jackpot.
  6. You just want to buy an expensive one.

Now that I have given a small outlook, and how to avoid big spenders like you try and get a cheap one. Now there will always be someone who will be able to contradict every single aspect of this view. But lets be fair in comparison. What I am trying to do here is compare a technological piece with another, and the only discriminating factor are the looks, sleek design, and a trendy tech. feature attached to lure us to spend more.

But folks, do you really need to spend 5000 or even 10 K to get a cellphone. Do you really need to have an expensive one just because its sleek, trendy or technologically enhanced. You still need it to SMS or call or now a days use it for exchanging mails. So why not buy a cheap one?

Today even when we dig into our wallets to spend that extra money on technological incentive, we all know that it may be soon gone and there will be a new one. But we still tend not to understand to this fact, as we are paced in this world and pitched against the others.


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