Amazing android apps that help you tackle insomnia

The cellphone has come to represent the single most important piece of technology in anyone’s possession. Almost everything is available on a phone! And today, we have a host of apps made specially for the android phones that promise to tackle insomnia and put you gently into blissful sleep. These apps help you sleep faster, better and also improve your sleep patterns and cycles. Before you sleep off, let us rush to seven of the best sleep apps that have become a rave in the world today.

Insomnia Cure

Rick Collingwood has been considered by many as the world’s leading hypnotherapist and not without good reason. Among his many patients are leading sports stars, many celebrities and business people. Using his hypnosis effectively, this app promises to put you to sleep and keep you in that state. It also improves the sleeping patterns so that when you wake up, it is with a refreshed feeling.

Relax & Sleep

The best-selling, self-help audio author from the UK, Glenn Harrold, has devised a 27-minute hypnotherapy session through this app. The focus is more on relaxation and de-stressing rather than putting one to sleep. However, the deep relaxation attained invariably leads to a restful sleep. The beauty is that high quality hypnosis has been recorded in the highest audio quality possible. The affirmations which pan in the background via the stereo headphones are a powerful way of delivering multiple, positive suggestions to the unconscious.

Relax Completely

The fact that this app won the best medical app award in 2011 speaks for its effectiveness and efficiency. Darren Marks who is instrumental in its success is not only a leading hypnotherapist but also an excellent teacher, trainer and interviewee. His soothing voice is calming and magical and hundreds have reported a very positive impact of this app in their lives.

Deep Sleep

This app by Andrew Johnson arrives for both, Android phones and the iPhone. It is a course in guided meditation. It will not only help in getting over insomnia problems but will improve and enhance everyday life as well. The app has been elegantly designed and it plays at different speeds which can be chosen as per the user’s convenience.

Stop Panic & Anxiety Self-Help

Sleeplessness is also a result of panic attacks. In such times, relaxation and hypnosis apps are not effective. This app is firm in its tone for it seeks to grab your attention during such panic attacks. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy, this app attempts to make use of multiple techniques to solve the problem. Repeating rational statements to challenge the irrational fears and beliefs helps the patient get over panic attacks.

Instant Sleep

Dishing out another of his wares, Glenn Harold promises to put you to sleep within 20 minutes through this instant sleep app. He claims that this app is a brand new form of the hypnotherapy art and is ready to place his 20 years of experience in the field on the claim. The audio CD of this app has already sold over 100,000 copies and has been featured on television as well.


With more than 500,000 people helped through its use, Pzizz seems to symbolize sleep in its name itself! The voice used in the app is strongly hypnotic and within 5 minutes, the body seems to drift into a state of relaxation. The mind follows soon and blissful sleep is the result.

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