It’s right the craze of 3.5G (HSDPA) is constantly growing among mobile phone operators. Still, Willcom continues to sally forth with its PHS phone for both voice and data. On communication front, no doubt, Willcom sounds a bit old-fashioned. However, you can’t deny that hand phones by Willcom have no match when it comes to cut communication fees and the efforts put in by Willcom to achieve this, are indeed commendable. Latest in this series comes – Honey Bee, weighing just 73g and having size of 42x120x9.9mm. Its other features include 2” LCD QVGA screen, Opera 7.2 Browser, IrDA. And it’s available in 5 different colors. So give your senses a new thrill!
Honey Bee from Willcom – Thrill hidden in simplicity