Cover Flow My Contacts…Please Apple !

contact coverflow on iphone R5grD 5965

All goes well with Apple’s now-patented Cover Flow technology. But a sense of insecurity does prevail somewhere else.Once, after the television shows, iPod games, audiobooks, podcasts, feature length films, Movie Rentals and Ringtones mania fades away, people would settle down and take in the technology in a more practical way. With a potentially rich technology like Cover Flow, it’s bound to happen. People think that using Coverflow as a mean to reach all contacts would be a much better use of this display technique.

It is a three-dimensional graphical user interface included with iTunes, the Macintosh Finder, and other Apple products for visually rummaging through files and digital media libraries via cover artwork. Now, it has been announced that iPhone would incorporate Apple’s Cover Flow technology. But it also has to unify the technology into a wider spectrum. If Apple could show potential buyers all the cool applications that have this sweet CoverFlow look, it could only help. As we become increasingly visual creatures, browsing by photographs of contacts becomes more important. Apple has tried to solve the problem of sorting through a large number of contacts in Software 2.0 by adding search to contacts. But the need for a 3rd part developer working on this has been underlined.

Source : GadgetsPalace

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