Samsung F480 now christened Tocco

samsung tocco lfHvm 5965

Samsung, who aren’t exactly world-renowned for their touchscreen prowess, have decided to have another go at the bewitching display and for some odd reason seem to have a lot of reservations about saying it out loud. Apparently they have renamed their previous touchscreen venture, the F480 as the Samsung Tocco. Now Tocco is Italian for touch and since we don’t really know how many Italians actually buy Samsung handsets and since we also don’t know how many people outside of Italy actually speak Italian, this move on part of the Korean company actually doesn’t make much sense. You see where I’m going with this? Good ‘cause I haven’t the faintest clue! Anywho, the phone features a goodly display that vibrates every time you touch it and that fact coupled with the fact that its also got HSDPA (7.2Mbps) connectivity can only mean good things for internet porn addicts!

Source: Crave UK

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