Orange’s Dance Charge juices up your phone up while your shake what your mama gave ya

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Don’t you just hate it when you’ve just spent a good six months parting the Red Sea to find tickets to your fav band’s concert halfway around the country and just when you’re in the middle of the action and you want all your jealous co-workers to hear you have fun your phone’s battery gives way? Yeah, it’s a real bitch. But thanks to a new charger developed by Orange, you might not have to miss out on hearing your colleagues tear their hair out anymore. Named the ‘Dance Charge’, this prototype charger basically draws kinetic energy from movement and helps charge your phone via a strap that goes on your arm. And in case you’re the kinds that like to delegate a lot, Orange also have a Dance Charging Man up their sleeves who can do the dance for you and charge your phone as well. Sweet!

Source: J Gadgets

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