Handle a hundred communications with the Tame Cube!

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Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had ten hands and ten heads to take care of a number of tasks at the same time? Well, usually this happens when you are in a busy meeting. Let us say, you are in the peak of an official meeting, your wife calls up from home on your cellular phone and your overseas friend tries to contact you over the Instant Messenger. This kind of a situation can also arise when you are trying to make your way safely through a busy road with a large number of vehicles plying in high speed and which you fear bumping into if you are not careful with your driving. At the same time you cannot switch off any of your communication gadgets because that would totally cut you off from the people who you want to interact with. In such a situation, the Tame Cube that takes care of your communication requirements comes to your rescue. In situations like driving it is not only hazardous to do too many things simultaneously, but having a single equipment to take care of all your communication requirements simultaneously saves a lot of precious time.

The Tame Cube works by feeding messages about your availability or non-availability in an appropriate manner or in the form of red and green coloring code to all your communication devices. At the same time, it does not stop any incoming communication. Now, isn’t that a wonderful option, when you are hard pressed for time or want to save yourself the monotony of answering a hundred channels of communication when you are actually busy with something else. The Tame Cube will do the work of an assistant by keeping you free from the hassles of communicating when you actually are not in a position to communicate and, at the same time, you don’t have to cut yourself totally from communicating with the world. More pictures after the jump.
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via: The Greener Grass

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