Canadian Rogers Lists the iPhone 3GS 8GB Variant!

8gb iphone 3gs coming soon

All these speculations can really get on your nerves at times especially when it is a day where nothing significant has happened in the world of Cellphones and you merely have assumptions to write about. It is the Canadian Rogers which is ‘probably’ shipping in 8GB variants of the iPhone 3GS and this information puts the fate of the iPhone 3G in jeopardy. Another aspect is that the iPhone 3G stock could have finished and Apple quietly and quickly will bury the 3G 8GB variant-which it anyway has to some day. Now the next challenging question could be the price tag if we believe in these speculations. An iPhone 3GS 8GB for $99-that surely sounds a deal which can make the world go crazy!

Via: Ubergizmo

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